Adobe flash cs4 website tutorial: 0103 Buttons

Adobe flash cs4 website tutorial: 0103 Buttons

This tutorial will tech you how to create a website in Adobe flash cs4, and cs3. We examine what buttons and how to code them in as3.


John said...

Hello man. Just a question, you don't make anymore actionscript tutorial, because I loved them, they are so great and useful, I learned a lot. I'd love if you make more of them

coaster3000 said...

this is great for starting my flash site ^^ thanks so much

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot, all the tutorials are very usefull ! I have only one question. In the tutorial 0102 for the website,you have introduced the moving pages effect. How do I can get this effect with the layout of this tutorial ? I suppose there is something to modify in the AS3 code in the functions for the buttons...
In other words when the buttons for the pages are pressed I want the pages to enter on the stage with a motion, not to act like a static layout like this... I've created a motion for the pages but when I press the button the AS code bring us to the selected frame and we don't see any movement...

Thanks a lot, hope you'll excuse me for this poem ! Hugs from Italy !

Andrew Golden said...

Brilliant tutorial, really, I'd have never understood any of this beforehand.
I'm having one issue though, in that my buttons are not acting as buttons, they're still static, and not reacting to clicks. I'm pretty sure it isn't a problem with the code, as far as I can tell it's identical to yours. Any pointers?
Thanks so much again man =)

ash said...

When i play it the buttons are content are not visible and it says there are problems on line 1 and 10 of the actionscript.. :/ ahh