Adobe flash cs4 website tutorial: 0107 Drop down menu

Adobe flash cs4 website tutorial: 0107 Drop down menu

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gfx said...

Thanks for great tutorial

Anonymous said...

What is the proccess for adding more drop down menus. It gives error if i duplicate the same scripts. I want to add 8 drop down menus. What do i have to change or do??

plss help!! and tx!!

Anonymous said...

quick question; could you elaborat a bit on the line:
if ((menu.mouseYmenu.height&&menu.mouseY>0) && (menu.mouseXmenu.width&&menu.mouseX>0))

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this. I understand how it works in that it's checking if the mouse is over the menu, but what property is menu.mouseY?

Anonymous said...

i think i have a problem with the same...otherwise, man, your tuts are the best so far!

if you stll keep this running...of course!

Unknown said...

hi i have created the menu but it appears under my xml gallery is there a way to make it appear over the gallery ?

Anonymous said...

Ok, that's it. You are a GOD.
Thanks so much dude !

Big Huge Hug from France :)

Siri Gabriella said...


Justin said...

I had a problem
i follow everything but there's an error state that the class or interface "Event" could not be loaded
source is
function goTo(e:Event):void{
would you tell me what should i do with it?

Siri Gabriella said...

have the same one

Anonymous said...

I am also having the issue. It can't load the dropmenue event and the makebtn. Could you please help?

Other than that, this is great!


Anonymous said...

very useful BIG THX :)

Anonymous said...

Hi this is a really useful tutorial thanks. My question is,
is it possible to make more than one dropdown menu in the same stage if you can what do you do to add another dropdown menu.

Prettyboitwin said...

What action script are you using 2.0 or 3.0

Prettyboitwin said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi there, great tutorial! i am learning so much. My only question is what do i do if instead of a "drop down" menu, i wanted a menu which slides in on the X axis rather than your Y.

Greg101 said...

I am using Flash CS4 & Action Script 3, it tells me Error:
Undefined property btn
Undefined property frame

I have both of the movie clips copied to my stage, if i remove that part of the code the menu works just no buttons.