Adobe flash cs4 Game tutorial Enemy AI

Adobe flash cs4 Game tutorial Enemy AI

Learn to give your Game enemies artificial intelligence. Get the FLA at my site
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Enemy AI
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Anonymous said...

Hey , nice tut , but can you please make a scoring tutorial so when you kill them you get points , and a tutorrial on when the enemy hits or passes you , you goto a frame , thanks ^^

Unknown said...

how do you create walls?, the enemy seems to disappear after the bullet goes near them. also i would like to see if the touches the ship, the health should drain. I would love to see this in your next video.

ill buy u coffee!!

Anonymous said...

can i add another enemy like two diffent enemys and also can i add velocity and i want to shoot liketwo differnt bullets and if you can how can i add health bars to the enemys

Anonymous said...

DUDE PLEASE HELP ME! Im making a flash game using CS5 and copying your shooting game idea but when i get to explosions and but my own sound effect in it doesnt work it says for the timeline " Scene1 Layer ' Layer1' Frame 1, Line 1 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method sfx". I have everthing named EXACTLY LIKE YOURS but just changed the sounds and the tank and enemy. Everything has worked fine up until Explosions. When i download Your FLA it works fine. I copy all your scripts for the timeline bullet enmey etc But it still wont work can you help me please!