Adobe flash cs4 tutorial XML Video Player

Adobe flash cs4 tutorial XML Video Player

earn how to easy it is to create an XML driven video player in adobe flash cs4 using actionscript 3

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samBrown said...

good stuff.....

haikal said...

what if i want to create each button of the people can click the video randomly the want to its just linear kind of navigation.....can you help me?

Anonymous said...

Hi I liked your tutorial one thing I wanted to know that is it possible that the videos rotate on their own... You dont have to click next

Unknown said...

hi, im looking to do something similar to this, however, i require the videos to play randomly from a list of buttons, can you share any light on this


Dheday said...

great tutorial dude.. very helpful stuff specially the charlie video.. lol..

Flv Player said...

useful tutorial for me .....

thanks for the post.

Line said...

I've downloaded the .fla file to see what you did.
But I think something is wrong in it, since when i preview the thing, it crashes..

Works fine when pressing the first flip botton, but on the next site the botton goes crazy and moves from one site to the other so it is almost impossible to press it.

Else good work.

Kind Regards

Anonymous said...

I have a problem, the first video is playing not very stabil, and the other 2 I can only hear, because it´s black(nothing to see)
is it to much for my computer, or...

thank you very much

Anonymous said...

now it´s ok.
.stupid mistake!!.