Adobe flash cs4 tutorial Ghost Effect

Adobe flash cs4 tutorial Ghost Effect

In this video tutorial you will learn how to create the popular ghosting effect in many video games and websites.

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Arfzes said...

Casper the Satanic ghost -- that made me laugh, indeed. So I clicked like seven ads, because I can appreciate a good laugh, and a good tutorial too.

Nico said...

Could you make the ghost effect an external class so that way we could reuse the ghost mode for any game we want to make?

Unknown said...

how can you make the ghost effect last any longer?

(ps: good tutorial)

Unknown said...

and an another question:
how can you make the ship follow your cursor everywhere?
because if i go to fast with my mouse it goes of and the ship doesn't follow anomore.

Unknown said...

Many thanks for this tutorial, but hoe=w can i download the fla file< i can;t find it?
can you please help me??