Adobe flash cs4 website tutorial: 0108 Image Gallery

Adobe flash cs4 website tutorial: 0108 Image Gallery

In the tutorial learn how to create an Image Gallery using AS3 and Adobe flash cs4. This is great for a website. Get Fla


MAKz said...

hey sup Mr.Enter thnx 4 the tut its very helpfull i wish if i cud buy u 2cup of Coffee but anyway i need drop_down_menu a classic one plz if u can help me this is ma email
thnx waitng 4 ur rep.....

Magui said...
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Magui said...

Hey, great tutorials. With this one, i've modified it so that the images scroll horizontally instead of vertically. My problem is that flash doesn't seem to support my amount of pictures. I have several thumbnails that make a big movieclip. When i import it, flash sees it alright to the library, but when i drag it into my workspace it transforms it into a big red can I solve this? Is there a max bitmap size that can be imported? Thank you.